Happy birthday to me
Well.. One year after 16 and only one year before 18! It seems last sunday I was only 14! How much does the time run! What I'd like YOU to give me for my birthday? Well, I don't wanna say the same things as lots of people do: "the most important gift are the thoughs".
No no no, I'm not the kind of person who's closed to money and love buy everything, but if you want you can give me for my little birthday:
- A single fly to London (no matter about the place to sleep, everybody at the Central House Hotel!!!)
- A meeting with Coldplay (or Radiohead, you can choose on your own)
- New electric guitar (Gibson, it's not too expensive!)
- Some pedals for my guitar (I've seen some, only 200 euros per piece!!)
- A fly to the USA (California if it's possible)
- Safety and Blue Room EP by Coldplay (the fist cost only 2000 €uros, it's not too much!)
- the last one... A bassist for my little band!!! (They're so hard to find!!)